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Re: milano

> From: [email protected] (Robert A Brady)

> 2.  the abs support group?  while my abs has been pretty trouble-free, it ha
> twice decided to become VERY FIRM giving me the feeling that i have no 
> brakes.  I know one other digester who's experienced this.... any others?  
> Also, just a couple of days ago, the abs is kicking in when i'm slowly 
> rolling.... could be a wheel sensor??? advice sought.

Did the ABS and Brake warning light came on? If so, your pump could not
build up enough pressure to assist you to brake. Most likely the pump
is gone or on its way out.

Heat Shield the pump resolved 98% of my ABS problem.
1.9% of time it was caused by rear brake / hand brake adjustment being
a tad too tight, causing pads to slightly drag on rotor, so slight I had
to drive 300+ miles on I-5 before it finally boiled brake fluid and
ABS certainly could not pressureize the bobbling fluid.

As for ABS warning came on while moving slowly. I believe this is
generally bad connection some where. It used to occure once every so
often, after I cleaned up all the related connectors, it only happend
once to me so far. And when that happens, off ignition, restart, this 
resets ABS and everything back to normal.

> 4.  the lazy tachometer support group?  since i purchased it, the tach has 
> always been intermittant.  when it works, it reads ~1k low.  i've seen the 

don't know about intermittant, but to adjust it is fairly easy. follow
the direction on the milano resource site that you should know it well 
by now :)

> that's it, for now.... don't get me wrong, i really like the milano a lot, 
> and think it's pretty darn reliable and solid... especially for an 11 year 
> old car with 118k miles.... however, when i start to write the list of 

Oh yeah, count me in for reliable alfas. 3 milanos drove down from SF Bay
to Willow Spring (near LA), blast for 2 days, drove back home the day
the event ends. No hickup whatsoever. oh, 160+ k miles.

I LOVE this car :)

On the drive shaft issue, to the person who's complaining about little
vibration at idle. I spent hundreds and perhaps thousand $$ to remove
drive shaft, clutch, individually balanced each part, weighted every
single bolt, nut, washer, put everything back, and still vibrates!!!!!
I still have the hose clamps on after all the $$ I dump in there
hoping to resolve the vibration issue. (yes i am a check book mechanic...
don't have a garage to do any work except basic stuff)

Jess <--- 88 verde @ Silly-come valley CA


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