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Re: Whistling DellOrtos

From: Matthew Killick <[email protected]>
> Subject: Whistling DellOrtos
> The carburettors on my engine (DellOrtos on a Giulia 1750 TI) emit a
> curious whistling sound.  This occurs at idle, or on trailing throttle, and
> only when the motor is fully warmed up.  The noise is similar to the squeak
> from poorly lubricated points, but this motor is running MarelliPlex.  It's
> not the alternator or water pump, and I've used a stethoscope to narrow it
> down to the carbs.  I've not heard this sound before from any other carbed
> (DellOrto or otherwise) engine.  Anyone have any ideas on this?

Hi Mat, It's good to hear of you.

I've never used Del Ortos, but I have have experience with Solex and Weber
carbs.   I have never encountered signs of this with Webers.  Perhaps because
Weber bushes the throttle shaft holes.  

But, Solex does not bush the throttle shaft holes, so the steel shaft enlarges 
the holes in the aluminum throttle body.  With time, the enlargement can get big 
enough to admit quite a bit of excess air.  

I don't know that this is the problem with the Del Ortos, but it is worth
checking out.
> Cheers
> Mat
> While I'm here, anyone have a good recipe for preserving olives?  This
> year's crop is bountiful.

Hmmm.  Wish I did.  Putting up olives could be fun.



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