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Re: alfa-digest V7 #687

In a message dated 5/4/99 10:25:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

<< On a more Alfa-esque subject, I'm faced with a quandary regarding oil
 pressure on my GTV6. The oil pressure gauge has been reading
 progressively lower and lower regardless of the level. Anyone have any
 opinions as to failures on the sender unit? I'm hoping that's the
 culprit because the alternative is no fun. >>
I've had this on 4 Alfas.  First time I checked with a pressure gauge and was 
OK.  Later replaced the Alfa unit with a Pep Boys type oil pressure gauge 
when the oil pressure scared me on a cross-country trip by dropping to 0 on 
the Interstate (at least I was only about 5 miles from Centerline in Boulder, 
Colorado).   The oil pressure on my GTV-6 read low (as in barely registering 
once engine is warmed up) at idle, and ditto for Verde.  Was in mid-range at 
2500 rpm and above. Tried replacing the sending unit on Verde and it made no 
difference.  I now ignore the oil pressure at idle....
	Bill Sims


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