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Re: GTV Door Handel

>Also, a few years ago Jack Haggerty gave me a little fix-it for GTV outer
>door handles. Two weekends ago I used it on the passenger door handle and it
>works beautifully. Thanks Jack!

Which one was that? The little nut plate? I finally decided against trying
to market those because all it does is move the failure to a new place
(usually the other end of the handle). It will buy you a few weeks of good
operation, though.

IAP had some repro handles made up and I bought a set. They are just as good
(maybe better) than the originals and were very reasonable (about $35 each
or $60 the set, as I recall). This was about four years ago, so I'm not
sure if they still have them.

- - Jack

| Jack Hagerty                |                                             |
| Robotic Midwives, Ltd.      |    "What luck for leaders that men          |
| Livermore, CA		      |    do not think.  The winner is never       |
| [email protected]   |    asked if he lied." - Adolph Hitler       |
| (925) 455-1143 (voice/fax)  |                                             |
|        ARA #97, NAR #55105, LUNAR #002 / TRA #3943, Aero-PAC #168         |


End of alfa-digest V7 #617

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