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Re: alfa-digest V7 #594

In a message dated 3/28/99 11:28:18 PM Central Standard Time, owner-alfa-
[email protected] writes:

<< Ralph Moorhouse" <[email protected]>
 Subject: RE: tip of the week, lug nut update
 I will whole-heartedly endorse this tip.  Its particularly good on those
 long bolts that have no-threaded sections that sit inside a sleeve & corrode
 (without anti seize). Anti-size even works well on exhaust slip joints -
 several years later when you have to remove a section - they come apart with
 a few taps with a hammer!
 Ralph >>
	 Good idea.  I ALWAYS use anti seize on spark plug threads and inside
radiator hoses.  Anti Seize may be silver or black and even comes in spray
cans.  On lug nuts, I use wheel bearing grease.
	Do not use Armor All or anything slick inside the main air hose from the
Bosch air flow meter across the valve cover on a spider.  I had to tie wrap my
hose on to make it through a time trial last year.
Russ Neely


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