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Lets use meaningful Digest Subjects like jacking points was P.S.B.S.; or Alfa Digest #...;

Brian (not to pick on your <G>) and fellow digest members:

Lets use some netiquette here folks, Meaningful subjects would go a long
way toward making use/participation in the digest or list whichever your
choice easier/more efficient.

Digest readers:  The reply subject "re: Alfa Digest #xxx means nothing
except to the few <G>who have photographic memories. Please edit your
reply to = the original subject of the topic  you wish to discuss.  If
your email editor won't let you do that, try creating a new message with
that subject and your reply and cut and paste the pieces you wish to
quote into the new message.  If you would like help / suggestions email
me privately and I will assist you in making your subjects less generic.

Other 'cute' subjects also convey little.  If they are to a specific
person who will know the context, email the individual and spare us.  If
they are substantial, like Brian Shorey's note about jacking points (a
matter of concern to all from Guilietta to 164 owners) they deserve to
look like more than junk mail.

The Alfa List generates some 50 to 100+ of the 200 or so messages I get
on my home account each day.

Much of it is fun, interesting and useful; but until I retire, being
able to prioritize by subject the messages I get will allow:
    my mailer to sort messages into the right folder (I 've got one for
164 stuff for example),
    and me to delete questions I can not answer or for sale items I
can't afford.
    and then read those of interest without spending TOO MUCH time.

Thanks for listening, I'll be glad to provide help for users who need
advice on implementing the above suggestions off digest.

Best Wishes,
Bernie Bennett,
Brenham, TX USA
[email protected]


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