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re: Subject: SUV's: Suggested New Ad Copy

Simpson, Jr, Joe B." <[email protected]> writes:

[email protected] (Alberto Fontova) writes:

>Subject: SUV's: Suggested New Ad Copy
>"Small Penis?  Have we got a vehicle for you!"

Sorry, I think that ad's already being used to sell convertible Italian
sports cars.

"i know you are but what am i?!?"  :>)

sorry, i couldn't hold out any longer!  ;~)  no offense to the 56/100% of those
purchasing suv's that actually NEED them, but perhaps "small brain" is the most
apt description of your typical suv driver.  

however, i believe it was voltaire who said something like: "i may disagree
w/what you say, but i'll defend to the death your right to say it!"  i also feel
that people are entitled to have small brains, and drive what they wish.
however, i feel the govt should be fair about it, and vehicles should be taxed
based upon weight.  i also long for the day where americans pay at least
$3-4/gallon - we are absolutely wasting a precious resource - i think we should
at least pay for it.

dug seed in - 80-90 mile commute, happy to pay $4/gallon for gas 

'78 ducati darmah
'86 alfa gtwe6 - shankle-ized 3.0 bastard
'88 alfa milano werde
'92 alfa 164L
'95 buell s2 w/s3 top-end
saving up for that 8mpg de tomaso pantera


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