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Re: Alfetta, 75, 90 etc

I know, sometimes I just can't help myself ...

John Hertzman wrote:

> The 2600 sedans, including the OSI variant, were intended to keep a
> respectable part of that market, as was the Alfa 6, and the 90 seems to
> have been as effective an effort as one could have hoped for in that
> direction, within the limits of making the most of the existing
> platform.

I guess this is a point I didn't consider. I was looking at historical
events (ie everything up to the 90), and attempting to judge them based
on later events (the 75 and it's features) - not always a good idea.

John also touched on one other point, the naming of the Alfa 33/75/90.
On a personal note, the amount of trouble I had trying to tell insurance
agents etc that I had a 1985 Alfa 90 had to be seen to be believed. I
guess I should be thankful that the 90 didn't remain in production until
1990, or I'd still be trying to get the thing insured.

1979 Alfetta 2000
1985 Alfa 90 2.5i
The Alfa 90 page
- -- 
Tony Lupton                            *           CiTR Pty Ltd
Email: [email protected]         *    *         339 Coronation Drive
Phone: +61 7 3259 2382                  *          PO Box 1643
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                                      *            Australia


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