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Re: Emergency Flasher Won't Stop

From: [email protected]

>I have a 1974 GTV with the following problem, the emergency flasher won't 
>stop flashing. It started flashing today and pushing the flasher switch 
>has no effect on it. I eventually pulled the fuse the flasher is on (it 
>was hot to the touch) to shut it off.  Any suggestions on where to start 
>looking for the problem (the switch seems the most likely suspect to me).

Is the problem because the button won't stay in? That's usually the case.
The ergonomic wizards in the cockpit design department decided to put two
identical buttons (emergency flashers and rear window defogger) right next 
to each other out of sight to the left of the steering wheel. To 
differentiate them from one another, they made the defogger switch "off-out" 
and the flasher switch "off-in." This means that the flasher switch latch 
mechanism is straining against its extention spring all of the time. With 
years of vibration, the little plastic fingers wear against their retaining 
groove, and when they round off enough, the switch pops out and won't latch 
back in.

The problem, as you found out, is that the switch (by law) is wired outside
of the ignition, thus can't be turned off short of pulling the fuse like
you did (aren't there other devices on that fuse?). I have a lower tech 
solution (it's happened to me three times, two of them while driving) to get 
you through until you can repair it. I keep a wooden toothpick in the ash 
tray. When the switch pops out, you can jam the toothpick between the button 
and the housing which will hold it in place.

The fix is easier than you think. Pull the switch (this is actually the
hardest part) and make a little diagram as to where all the wires go. 
Separate the switch mechanism from its outer casing by prying on all the 
little plastic fingers (what do you mean you don't have six hands :-) 
Once the mechanism is exposed, press the button a few times to get an idea 
of how it works. All you have to do is dress up the plastic finger that 
rides in the groove until it's square again, then re-assemble.

I've done this twice now.

- - Jack

| Jack Hagerty                |                                             | 
| [email protected]   |                                             |
| Robotic Midwives, Ltd.      |  Black holes are where God divided by zero. |
| Livermore, CA		      |             - Anon.                         |
|                             |                                             |
| (925) 455-1143 (voice/fax)  |                                             |
|        ARA #97, NAR #55105, LUNAR #002 / TRA #3943, Aero-PAC #168         |


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