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alfa-digest V7 #75

Message not delivered to recipients below.  Press F1 for help with VNM
error codes.               

	VNM3036:  Robert W. [email protected]@ATLANTA


   If a user sends a message with an undeliverable
   address, Mail keeps trying to deliver the 
   message for a time period specified by the message
   expiration time.  If the message cannot be 
   delivered within that period, the sender receives
   a notice of undeliverable mail with this error code.

   Check the address on the message, and make any
   necessary corrections.  If the address appears to
   be correct, verify that the connections to the 
   recipient's mail service are working properly and 
   that the recipient's group still exists.

- ----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------

The message you have just received is too large to be displayed
in the normal application. You should look at it using another
application (like a text editor or word processor). The attached
file MAIL.TXT contains the message.

Thank you.


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