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FW: 75TS UK Starting Problems
Joe asked
> Can anyone throw some more light on this problem?
> My 75 ts takes up to 20secs to fire when cold and up to 40secs when
> warm.
> I have changed(in no particular order)
list of everything on engine, deleted..
> The engine has recently been rebuilt with new cams and valves, head
> skimmed
> etc. Problem was there before and is still there now.
> All relays that could possibly be involved and others that aren't
> A reliable "auto tune" guy has checked the temp sensor on the back of
> the
> engine and says that it is ok he also checked fuel rail pressure and
> confirmed that this was ok too.
Now I think we are getting closer to the problem. In my experience, in
situations like yours, I always suspect a bad sensor. The fact that the
car runs means that generally everything is ok, so something could be
out of specification.
What about the crank angle sensor, down beside the bottom toothed crank
pulley. Is it's wiring and shielding OK? Is the sensor the correct
distance from the pulley?
Are all the connectors and earths on the engine clean?
> I am in the somewhat enviable position in having two fully functioning
> scrap
> 75ts to rob parts off.
> Could the injectors cause such a problem or maybe the pin damper? I
> dont
> want to try playing with the fuel injection side as I am somewhat
> reluctant
> to reduce my car to ashes! But I would like to give the car to an
> injection
> specialist with some sort of pointers.
I would not be starting with the injection. Except for fuel pressure,
there is not much to go wrong. Check that the idle position switch is
working. Use a multimeter.
One thing I might add is about the time it is taking to start the car.
When the computer senses that the engine did not start straight away it
goes into the "fallback mode" where it sets all the parameters to
something special that has a really strong chance of starting the car.
This happens after about 3 or 4 seconds of continued cranking. So the
idea is that when you are starting the car, keep cranking. There is not
a lot of value in having jabs at the key. Turn it to crank and hold it
till it starts. You shouldn't need to put your foot on the throttle,
but it can help as a diagnosis tool! That may indicate a faulty
Throttle Position Switch. Something as simple as the TPS not working,
can stop the car from starting cleanly, of course.
1989 ALFA75 TS.
> I apologise for this long winded post but it is best to have all the
> information.
> Thanks in Advance.
> Joe Said
> 75 TS
> 33 16v
> Maserati Biturbo (when I can find a decent one!-- If you know of one
> call)
> [email protected]
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